Urgent Care
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You can reach the on-call provider for Lower Falls
Pediatrics for medical questions/concerns during the following hours:
Monday-Friday | 5pm-9pm
Sunday | 10:30Am-9pm
Saturday | 11Am-9pm
After on-call hours if you have additional questions or would like to speak to our nurse triage service, please call our after hours answering service at 781-772-1527 and after 4 rings, you will be promted to push #1. They will direct your call. If the issue can not be resolved to your satisfaction by our nurse triage service, our doctor on call will be contacted.
Please note, we have incorporated our self-triage feature to help parents and patients manage appropriate situations when our office is closed. Research has shown that 85% of after hours calls are not considered urgent. We would like to help you decide which issues need to come to our attention immediately, during the night, and which can be managed at home until our office opens the following morning.
These protocols are the same ones used by our nurse triage service. You can search them by topic.
Pediatric Health Care is open for patient care 7 days a week. If your child is not feeling well, please call the office to speak with a Nurse/Doctor, or to make an appointment. We are not affiliated with any Urgent Care facilities and will not process insurance referrals for Urgent Care services.
Calls for Appointments, Referrals, Prescription Refills are all handled during our regular business hours, M-F 8am-5pm.
After Hours
If you or your child is experiencing a serious accident or injury, seizure, difficulty breathing, or fever under 3 months of age call 911 or go directly to an Emergency Room.
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